IX school-seminar for young Russian scientists
«Problems of Sustainable Regional Development»
dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Academician of RAS Arnold K. Tulokhonov


During the school- seminar young scientists are going to discuss a wide range of basic and applied scientific issues in the following areas:

  1. Socio-economic problems of Sustainable Development of the regions of Russia.
  2. Geo-ecological problems of the regions of Russia and the adjacent territories in the context of globalization and environmental changes.
  3. Modern eco-friendly technologies of nature management and environmental protection.
  4. Preparation of the perspective of organic, inorganic compounds and materials based on them.

The Organizing Committee invites leading scientists to read lectures on the specified topics.

Abstracts of reports and lectures of the school-seminar will be published in the form of an electronic edition and included in the abstract database of Russian Science Citation Index.

Copyright © Baikal Institute of Nature Management SB RAS.

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